The Blue Futon
My New York experience could be summarized through this one experience — the legendary blue futon.
The video below, I share this experience that recently happened this past week and it has stayed with me to the point that it won’t go away and it needs to get out there.
SO there you are, you get to listen to me ramble on, yay…
Anyway, these are the realities of living in the Big Apple and even with the craziness of it all, we can find joy, spontaneity, connection, and create memories that bond us together not only now, but years to come.
I feel that is one of the reasons why I wanted to create this series is to show that the daily design of our lives can be used for good and join us together while we are living our own journeys.
Enjoy watching part of my personally tailored life in the ways that I never could have imagined while you reflect on how you can tailor your life to spread joy and connection with others!
The video below is part of a new series called, Daily Design which shows snippets of my daily life and what I encounter on my own tailored journey to help the world around me!